All artworks in WORK I




"The Colors of Light"

"Footprints", "Huellas"

"Contemplation I"

"Contemplation II"

"Once Upon A Time...(Our Story with Nature)"

"Following the Sun"

"Silver Lining II"

"The Light of Flowers I"

"The Light of Flowers II"

"Don't Let Dark Souls take away Your Light

"Thank You", "Gracias"

"The Wishing Tree I"

"The Wishing Tree II"

"The Wishing Tree III"

"The Wisdom of Nature"

"The Sea of Flowers"

"With the Clouds", "Con las Nubes"

"The Boat of Flowers"

"The Boat of Flowers II"

"The Boat of Flowers III"

"Fields of Dreams"

"Our Treasure", "Nuestro Tesoro"

"Garden of Illusions"

"Silver Lining"

"The Grateful", "Lo Agradecido"

"The Growth of Love"

"Our Life as Flowers"

"Creation", "Creación"

"The One Who Kept All Promises"

"El Abrazo", "The Hug"

"Moonlight" (Nuestra Luna)

"Impermanecense II"

"Life's Secret", "El Secreto de la Vida"

"When I Think of You II"


"Splendor", "Esplendor"

"The Rest II", "El Descanso II"

"The Thankful"

"Our Paths", "Nuestros Caminos"

"All We Share"

When I Think of You...
When I Think of You...


"Sending Love & Hugs"

"Transcendence & Change"

"The Sublime I"

"The Sublime II"

"The Sublime III"

"Ascension", "Ascensión"

"Ascent", "Ascenso"

"Paths" | "Senderos"

"From The Ashes, When We Return..."

"Interior Storage Rooms"

"All Things You Said, & I Believed"

"The Wish", "El Deseo"

"The Seed", "La Semilla"

"Our Wishes", "Nuestros Deseos"

"Contemplation of Rest"

"The View I"

"The View II"

"Contemplation of Memories"

"Healing", "Sanación"

"Process of Change"

"Selection of Thoughts"

"The Protected" | "Lo Protegido"

"State of Being III","Estado del Ser III"

"State of Being VI","Estado del Ser VI"

"Being V","Ser V"

"Being IV","Ser IV"

"Rediscovered Truth"

"The Face of Drive & Determination II"

"Transition" (con flores)

"Always Here"

"What to Remember & What to Forget?"

"Whisper" | "Susurro"

"Radiance | Resplandor"

"Aura of Gratitude"

"The Walk"

"The Hole & The Light"

"The Writing of Our Love"

"Memories" (Ya no me acuerdo)

"Time" | "Tiempo"

"The Hope of a Soul with No Price"

Trails of Light I
Trails of Light I

Trails of Light II
Trails of Light II

That Light Within
That Light Within

Wonder | Maravilla
Wonder | Maravilla

"Promise" | "Promesa"

"The Pure I-!V"

"Love as Water IV"

"Our Love IV"